Do People Want Vladimir Putin to Be President Again

Russian President Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine on February. 23, 2022, in what Ukraine's strange minister Dmytro Kuleba called a "full-scale invasion."

Russia's military attacks and bombing across Ukraine could atomic number 82 to the biggest armed disharmonize in Europe since World War II, Western leaders have warned.

But as mounting tensions over a potential conflict grew in February 2022, public opinion polls in Russian federation showed that support for Putin is rising.

The rally 'round the flag effect of supporting political leadership during an international crisis will likely be brusque-lived.

Historical data shows that diversionary wars — fighting away to describe attention abroad from problems at abode — take rarely worked for Putin.

Daring and expensive military adventures will, over time, subtract the Kremlin'southward popularity, history also tells us.

As a scholar of Russia and public opinion, I know that war ultimately requires an enormous amount of public goodwill and support for a political leader — far more than a brief spike in popularity can ensure.

A soldier wearing military garb, with a Ukrainian flag on the uniform, sits and smokes in a mud trench.

A Ukrainian soldier smokes a cigarette almost the front line with Russia-backed separatists in Lugansk, Ukraine, on Feb. 22, 2022. Anatolii Stepanov/AFP via Getty Images

A shift in Putin's public blessing

Russia'southward military buildup along the Ukrainian edge over the last few months coincides with a steady rise in Putin's popularity.

Approximately 69% of Russians now approve of Putin, compared to the 61% who canonical of him in August 2021, according to Russian polling agency the Levada Middle. And 29% of Russians disapprove of Putin, down from 37% in Baronial 2021. The polling group is the leading independent sociological research organization in Russia and is widely respected by many scholars, including myself.

Support for Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin and his chiffonier too increased moderately in the same time period.

The Russian public largely believes that the Kremlin is defending Russia by continuing up to the West.

Putin has enjoyed relatively high blessing ratings since he first became president in May 2000. His popularity averaged 79% in his first 20 years in office. Some political scientists attribute this trend to "Putin'southward personal charisma and public image" and Russians' preference for a "potent ruler."

Other experts argue that Putin's approving ratings are actually related to Russians' indifference and symbolic trust in political leaders.

Normalizing war through misinformation

Putin on Feb. 22 received Russian lawmakers' permission to send war machine abroad. The same day, Putin ratified treaties with the 2 separatist regions in eastern Ukraine – the so-called Luhansk People's Republic and the Donetsk People's Republic – that accept Russian-backed political leadership.

More than xiii,000 people have died fighting in the Donbas region, every bit it is known, since 2014, when Russian loyalists seized power in the Ukrainian cities of Donetsk and Luhansk.

Few people in Moscow heard the drumbeat of state of war until mid-February.

Russian land media has issued continuous denials that the Kremlin was preparing for state of war with Ukraine.

Russian talk shows regularly mocked Western predictions of a looming invasion into Ukraine as "hysteria" and "applesauce."

Russian news shows started circulating lies about the security situation in Ukraine effectually February. 21. Anchors on the land idiot box Aqueduct One, for example, have said that Ukraine is forcing its ain citizens in the Donbas to abscond.

Actually, separatist regime in Luhansk and Donetsk had announced their ain plans to evacuate residents from the ii breakaway regions to Russian federation. The United States has said that false alert most Ukraine attacking the separatist regions could help Putin publicly justify the invasion that launched Feb. 24.

The cascade of simulated news is intended to normalize clashes between Russia and Ukraine.

Putin's February. 21 televised speech addressed the dangers of Ukrainian nationalism. He also stressed Russians' and Ukrainians' shared history. This presidential address could serve to galvanize the Russian public to back Putin'south military machine aspirations.

A group of people holding luggage are seen walking away from a train.

People evacuated from the Donbas region are seen on a train platform in Taganrog, Russia, on Feb. 18, 2022. Erik Romanenko/TASS via Getty Images

Most Russians don't want war

Near 38% of Russians did not consider war with Ukraine a real possibility equally of December 2021, co-ordinate to Levada Center polling. Another fifteen% completely ruled out the possibility of armed conflict.

Approximately 83% of Russians report positive views on Ukrainians. And 51% of Russians say that Russian federation and Ukraine should be contained, yet friendly, countries.

The popular narrative is that Russian federation is a besieged fortress, constantly fending off Western attacks.

One-half of Russians blame the current crisis on the U.S. and NATO, while 16% call back Ukraine is the aggressor. Just 4% believe Russia is responsible.

War is ultimately an unpopular strategy

Putin's approval ratings reached an all-time loftier of 89% less than one year after Russia forcibly annexed Crimea, a Ukrainian peninsula, in 2014.

The largely bloodless conquest resulted in "collective euphoria" among Russian people, who have ofttimes vacationed along Crimea'southward scenic coastline.

Simply Russia's other recent military deportment, including its 2008 invasion of Georgia and its intervention in the Syrian civil war in 2015, were non met with the same enthusiasm.

Public back up dropped following both of these military interventions.

Now, Russians have not expressed the same personal connexion to the Donbas that they felt for Crimea.

Polls conducted since the looting of Crimea in 2014 consistently show that virtually Russians support the independence of the 2 self-alleged republics in the Donbas. But they practice not encounter them becoming a part of the Russian Federation.

I believe the unfolding conflict in Ukraine could event in countless body bags of Russian soldiers returning to Moscow.

Russia's ensuing war machine intervention in Ukraine may prove costly for Putin domestically, undermining his legitimacy and forcing him to spend more than resources on quashing internal dissent.

This comes as U.Southward. President Joe Biden announced "swift and severe" sanctions on Feb. 22 that could harm Russian federation. Russia's economy already faces high inflation and low projected growth.

U.South. and European sanctions could result in a subsequent economical fallout that volition overwhelmingly injure Russians' pocketbooks — and further erode Putin's support.

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